Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Go home Martins, like a sensible chap. You don't know what you're mixing in, get the next plane.

Ah, Tuesday night and Obama is still bumming me out. What the fuck is going on around here anyway? Didn't the party of bullshit and rich people loose by a wide margin? Hasn't everyone figured out that the neocons and everything they stand for is what got us here? Why are Bush appointees still hanging about the White House? I voted for a center-Democrat, not a left leaning Republican. Seriously, fire everyone from Bush's cabinet, sack all of the jackasses that were so free-wheeling with their deregulation back in the Clinton years, and act like you have some balls, Obama! Stop acting like the lunatics on the right have anything of value to add to the debate. You're talking about racists, lunatics, idiots, evangelical Christians, and flat-earthers- your basic scum of the Earth. Fuck those guys! Fuck 'em in their defeatist asses! I hate neocons but I'm beginning to hate candy-ass Dems who still think they're the loser party. Bah! Same old same old, just as I thought when this all started. Might as well get a Prius, put an Obama sticker on it, and then not vote or conserve resources or talk to anyone not in my socio-economic bracket. Fuck 'em all. See, this is exactly why I'd rather be on the ocean or in the woods or desert.

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

di you really get that from his speech? please to explain. and by the way, it was tuna in a bechamel sauce served over steamed rice

captain chaos said...

Yeah, I did but everyone else seems to think he was being too partisan. Personally, there were a few moments when he had some balls but mostly he was still being far too nice to the Republicans. I mean, this is the party that put Bobby Jindal up in response! Fuck those guys. Bechamel sauce? You wish.

savannah said...

we were cracking up watching bubba jindal try and sound like something other than a looisanna boy! ;)

(how about all things florentine? we could get you guys to eat anything as long as we called it ____ florentine)

wv: tablets

Momentary Madness said...

I have a similar problem coming to terms.
Hey I liked Motown too, but if got me in a shit load of trouble; I was lucky the shot-gun missed
(I said, shotgun
Shoot 'em 'fore he runs, now
Do the jerk, baby
Do the jerk, now
I posted a link to Paul Krugman today; something I’ve been going on insanely about for quite a while now. I don’t get it I really don’t. The Man (Obama) can’t be that stupid- is he afraid to nationalize, he that or the other man, because that’s what has to be done.

The masking tape tangles
It's sticky and black
And the copper
Proud headed Queen Lizzie *
Conducts little charges
That don't get charged back
Well the technical manual's busy
s/he's not going to fix it up too easy
And she holds out her flashlight
And she shines it on me
s/he wants me to tell her
What the trouble might be
Well I'm learning
It's peaceful
With a good dog and some trees
Out of touch with the breakdown
Of this century
They/we're not goin’ to fix it up
Too easy
I thought picking Clinton was stupid but gave the benefit of the doubt, but now I’m beginning to wonder. (maybe Stevie’s a sign. Ha!)

Perhaps he just hasn’t got (as the Bro says) the balls, and I would say it is a hard one.
It could be what the Republicans are waiting for to start the shit.
With 40% to 50% Creationists out there waiting for the Messiah, or anything to get them back on track is a scary thought.
I really don’t know, perhaps what we see is what we’re goin’ to get. HELP.
“When I was younger so much younger than today …..”