Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I am not afraid. They are not afraid. You blow up the wagon, you die. Or we kill you pretty soon. But we are amigos.

Hello world, I'm happy about Operation Bowfinger! Look, look what I did today:

That's right, if a deer is 2o yards away from me, which it won't be, I'll freakin' nail that sucker! Otherwise, I'm sure the deer will only feel the odd sensation of having an arrow zip over its back. Then he'll hear me quietly sobbing somewhere farther away then 20 yards.

Or maybe I'll be good at deer  hunting? Who knows. I'm excited though, I can't wait to start my preseason scouting missions to the middle of nowhere. I can't wait to backpack in, set up camp, and start still hunting bored and totally aware deer who, at this very minute, are planning various strategies to outwit and embarrass idjits like me. Damn, it's going to be completely ridiculous out there with me fumbling around trying to find a deer. 

Off to check tide charts for tomorrow. I chose early bedtime over booze so I could go out tomorrow and ride knee high waves. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Peace out, bitches!

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