Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tell me exactly what you saw and what you think it means.

Glenn Beck is on the cover of Time magazine in an almost playful looking photo with the teaser, "Mad Man: Glenn Beck and the angry style of American politics." What the fuck? Last I heard, this jackass was screaming at people, contemplating killing Michael Moore, and talking about suicide, all the while calling a sitting president a Nazi, the devil and who knows what else. Seems to me he should be getting a little sit down with a shrink and possibly getting his ass kicked off the air for being a complete nutter and possibly a domestic terrorist. I'm just sayin'.

It's amazing how deeply entrenched both the white sense of entitlement and racism are in white American culture. The usually unquestioned normative standard in this place is of whiteness. White cultural standards of beauty, success, art, and everything are the default and few people question this, even fewer of those who do are white. Glenn Beck screams for Tea bag parties and off the zombies go, protesting against their own economic self-interest. An avowed member of an "up with the Confederacy" organization shouts at the President in a joint session of Congress and isn't instantly tarred and feathered. Why? Because the President is half-black and everyone is apparently OK with a racist caveman blurting out some bullshit at him. First time in sixty some years of TV coverage of the Congress and no one gets fired? Interesting.

I say it's high time the wimp-ass Dems bring it to the Republicans and enough of this bi-partisan shit. If a health care bill passes with no public anything I think we burn some shit to the ground, metaphorically of course. Out with the old and in with the new. Change? Hope? Yeah, not without some ass-kicking and head chopping, metaphorically of course. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Peace out, bitches!

1 comment:

savannah said...

i thought i'd left a comment, but it seems i only thought i did...anyway, i concur. by the by, i did see that man's book "how to argue with idiots" and thought, "oh, is he switching sides?" *snickering* xox