Wednesday, May 27, 2009

If you don't have a drummer, then why do you have drums you fistful of assholes?

I love summer in LA! Even though it ain't quite summer and it was a bit overcast I still got to ride longboard waves with dolphins. Seriously. Fucking dolphins in the lineup and just me and my friend Beck (not the singer!) trading waves back and forth. Good damn times! Anyway, I surfed, walked the dog, did the laundry and took care of some paperwork. Following that I picked up the Midget and away we go!

She's still dorking it in regards to her English homework but I think the "ignore her until she does it herself" tact is working really well. She bugs me to do her homework and I give her some encouragement to do it herself. Here are some examples: "You don't need help. You're smart enough to do it yourself. Fuck off and leave me be, child!" You get the drift. More importantly, she's geeked on learning how to kill me on Halo 2. Oh yeah, sure, she wants to play "cooperative mode" but really she's just learning the game so she can battle me and win. Devious little bastard, I love her! We played Halo 2 for about 40 minutes while eating Fatburger and suddenly I realized it was past her bedtime. Oops. Off to bed, oh smelly one.

The girl is at the oprey so I'm going to keep watching hunting shows and Law & Order and maybe check out some Internet porn. I hear it's all the rage these days.

Peace out, bitches!


CreoleBeBop said...

"....Oh smelly One"

Try sheep dip. Seems to work for the ranchers.

savannah said...

get a timer.

captain chaos said...

Sheep dip! Elementary, my dear Watson!

Mr. Moose said...

Overheard in the tea leaves: One day Ani is going to learn how to find this blog of yours and then stab you while you sleep. Beware the Ides of Whenever!