Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Damn John Whorfin and the horse he rode in on!

I am very tired right now. I'm tired of humping cameras and heads and sticks and batteries all over for weeks on end. I'm tired of having a house unfinished. I'm tired of paying bills. I'm tired of a marine layer that makes dawn patrol grey and depressing. I'm tired of people calling the President a socialist. I'm tired of pre-season football. I'm tired of people parking in front of my house in such a way that I can't park in front of my house. I'm tired of taking the 10 to work. I'm tired of waiting for duck season to start. I'm tired of the Tea Party, the Republican Party, the Libertarian Party, and the goddamned Democratic Party. I'm tired of Facebook. I'm tired of poor people voting for rich people policies. I'm tired of Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm tired of Rick Perry and he just announced his candidacy yesterday. I'm tired of not having my Man Cave finished. I'm tired.

I've been working a bunch lately and haven't been keeping up with the news as much as I should but I did notice that Rick Perry is running for the Republican presidential nomination. A lot of idiots on the left are saying this is an amazing thing as the man is so country and religious that if he runs as the Republican candidate their guy is a shoo in. These people are stupid. Perry is no fool. It doesn't matter whether or not his religious beliefs are sincere or that his "strategy" for delaying the effects of the Depression in Texas amounted to doing nothing. What matters is that for a frighteningly large percentage of Americans it's comforting to hear a Southern accent from a white man who's promising to get that goddamn nigger out of the White House and put Gawd back into national policy making. That he's a charlatan and snake oil salesman of the highest order makes no never mind. He's one of them. Except for all of that money and power. He understands them. Except that he's never really sweated out a paycheck or failed to get a GED. He's got a plan that worked in Texas and will work everywhere else, by Gawd! Except that the Texas Recovery Story is a fucking lie and wouldn't work for everyone, everywhere and that currently their unemployment rate is right up there with everyone else at a juicy 8.5%.

Discount Perry because he's a God Squader. Discount Perry because he has, at best, a tenuous grasp of grown up economics. Do not, however, take these two things and come to the conclusion that he can't win. The man has never lost an election in his life, which probably includes class president in 4th grade. He's a campaigning beast, a feral dog, a frothing lunatic. Treat him like a rabid dog and deliver a killing blow early if you want to win. Make fun of Gawd and Country and you're done. The worst part is that in campaigning against Perry the President will turn ever more rightward. He doesn't have the cajones to stand up for the small d democrats that elected him. He's a corporate whore and that's going to be his undoing. President Obama's best bet is another corporate smoothy like Mitt Romney as his competition. Neither one of them seems to have strongly held beliefs so they won't really rub off on each other. It'll be like a taste test between vanilla and vanilla.

In the end it won't really make a huge difference who wins. The system is showing its flaws and the cracks are growing ever wider. A system based so clearly on greed and power and so set against the bit players that make it all function can't last forever. If you believe in starving the government in a country that was founded on the idea that said government is the people then who are you really starving?

Peace out, bitches!


Anonymous said...

the population that elected bush TWICE can elect Perry/Bachmann. without breaking a sweat.

Pearl said...

We started as a country that wanted to be free of religious tyranny.

Now we're flirting with that very thing.

Ironic, ain't it?


CreoleBeBop said...

I know in California it's illegal, but in Texas you can bait a feral hog, trap it, kill it, skin it, roast it and have quite a fine feast. Now baiting and trapping corporate smoothies - now that's a whole different thing all together, and not as straight forward.

So, Perry, the greedy little feral hog may fall into a baited political trap and shoot himself in the foot - as I suspect the feral bitches Bachman and Palin to do over the next year. I'm more worried about the corporate smoothies, the guys who know how the levers work in the system and pull them at the right time to get the train on their track. These bastards are harder to keep track of and can do far more damage than a real life version of "Lonsome Roads".

We will see. I expect the Republicans to start feeding on each other over the next few months. I expect the Democrats to do the same. I expect the man behind the curtain to buy himself more time. And I expect the American public to stay asleep at the wheel.

But that's just me.......

Anonymous said...

With bible and gun. Problem solving as usual.

Bill Lisleman said...

Just a Savannah reader making a visit.
You sound very down on the system and I believe more and more do. That's one reason people don't care to vote. The system will never be right but it could become better. Maybe I'm being fooled again but Warren Buffet said some interesting things about taxing the rich more. It could be a start.

captain chaos said...

To all:
I was very heartened by Mr. Buffet's comments but I see him being marginalized immediately by the constant barrage of talking heads and most American's inability to connect the dots between theory and practice. We'll see. I always vote no matter how down on the system and my fellow countrymen I may be feeling. The important thing is to stay educated and engaged.

I do so hope I get a chance to bait, shoot, skin, and eat a far right demagogue at some point in my life.

mark said...

So how do you really feel on these issues? That big ol' Federal Government Train will continue to roll down the the tracks no matter who is driving it. I do know two things #1. The Tea Party is not going away. And #2. 100% taxation is slavery.

tony said...

We Are Tired In England Too.We Have Politicians Like that too. poor people voting for rich people policies has a familiar ring.The Left universally is tired, which is also part of the problem.Tis a pity Obama wasn't a socialist.....now that would give Mr Perry something the pray about!

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