Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What, in life, does not deserve celebrating?

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

well, okay then, hye.

Mr. Moose said...

Thoughts that went through my head while watching:
1. Poor Scarlett. The uncertainty of love during wartime, alas.
2. Snake Eyes is strictly amateur. How trite. But still, good to have hobbies.
3. I wish Snowjob wouldn't drink so much.
4. Poor Zartan. I feel for him. Looks like lots of down feelings on both sides of this conflict, eh?
5. Great clarinet from Destro. Fuck Woody Allen.
6. How did they get all these big names? Oh yeah, it's G.I. Joe!

captain chaos said...

"I wish Snowjob didn't drink so much." Ha! Cut him some slack though, his name is dangerously close to Blowjob. So anyone know who that was on clarinet?