Friday, October 9, 2009

I guess that's the way the whole durned human comedy keeps perpetuatin' itself.

If you sit back and watch and listen you often begin to feel like there really is no point in trying but you try nonetheless. Watching the great mass of humanity kill and eat and fuck and destroy and create and waste and invent and talk and grow and make commercials is a lesson in the ultimate futility of it all. I often find myself getting lost in the seemingly meaningless complexity and cruelty of the web of interactions. It's at these moments when I put down the Nation or Foreign Affairs and turn off CNN and try to sit quietly and soak it all in on a non-communicative level. You know, silence myself so I can hear everyone and everything else. It helps. I look at the Midget and I see promise. I look at the girl and I see love. I listen to the ocean and watch birds flying overhead and I see the beauty of the Universe. When I'm really lucky I feel like I can see the mountains slowly eroding, geologic time puts it all in perspective.

That all said, the Republican Party can't even be civil about the President winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Amazing. They hate our freedoms, I guess.

Peace out, bitches!


CreoleBeBop said...

Here's an interesting take on the Nobel Peace Prize

captain chaos said...

Interesting. While I've never really thought much of any American president I do find the hypocrisy of the neo-right to be incredibly ridiculous. I think it really boils down to this: Obama, like most Democrats, is more a Republican than the Republicans but that he's black makes them hate him even though he's probably going to push through exactly the kind of policy they'd like to see. As I've always said, the first black president is going to be a Republican.

Mr. Moose said...

Here's another "interesting" take on the Nobel Peace Prize: