Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is Sparta!

Scenes from my birthday hunt. One guy, one gun, one duck- my first freakin' mallard! I am now a duck hunter for real!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and joy. I'll post some photos of tonight's idiocy at various joints 'round town.

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

what great photos!!!! i'm glad your day was wonderful!

Have the T-shirt said...

Happy usual, I'm a tiny bit (fashionably?) for the party!

Mr. Moose said...

Duck season!

Wabbit season!

Hassan's birthday!

dive said...

Awesome mallard action!
Have a great birthday!

eroswings said...

Came over via Savannah to wish you a Happy B'ltd Birthday.

Great shot!

Shan said...

I came yesterday to wish you a happy birthday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! But, I'm glad I waited until today so I could see the picture pages! I can't remember if I've seen you in photo before but it's nice to have a face to put with Sav's Pumkinpie name. Baha That is TOTALLY how I will be with my boys when they are your age and above. :D

Glad you had a good day! You have a boy? Wasn't that ghostface killa? I ponder aloud to myself.

captain chaos said...

Thanks everybody for the kind words! Shan- I don't have any kids, unfortunately, but my girlfriend has an eight year old girl named Ani. She loves going hunting and I'm teaching her how to do duck calls. My GF Melah took a million photos of Ani doing a one-woman stand up routine starring her and the duck. Funny kid.

Shan said...

OH! Oops sorry 'bout that Ani (grimace) I went down the "boy" path at first because I thought she looked like you! I hope I'm excused since she's in camo and such. She sounds like a real cutie and that's a fun age! :D

Fat Sparrow said...

Belated birthday wishes, via your mom's!