Sunday, April 25, 2010

The weed be lettin' you know... Evil lurks.

Ow. Ow. Ow.

I skated the park for a few hours today. It was fun until I made the mistake of trying to improve myself by relearning frontside rock and rolls (look it up). The fucked up thing is I used to have those on lock and now... I tried for about half an hour, kind of got them back all sketched out and then wham! Slid out and smacked my fucking face on the tranny and damn near put my left hand through the ramp. My shoulder hurts, I saw stars, and now the right side of my face feels raw. Sweet. It even hurts to type.

Fucking skateboarding. I love it- nice ollies over the hip and some buttery 5-0 grinds on the small slant ramp. I hate it- frontside rock to faceplant, pathetic attempts at a pop shuvit over the hip, general lack of skills and bad ollies over the hip.

I almost got backside 5-0s though, so you know, I've got that going for me to.

I think I'll hit the gym now and see if there's anything besides cardio that I can do right now without tearing what's left of my shoulder to bits.

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

ok, listen to your body, #1. :D go out gracefully with style and panache while you still can!

captain chaos said...

What? Seriously? No way. Slamming is all part of the fun. Besides, I learned frontside rocks, more or less, and backside 5-0s. It's still fun I'm just not going to worry about learning the latest flip tricks. Besides, only quitters quit!

savannah said...

well, ok then, Hye!

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