Monday, April 5, 2010

Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!

I'm packed. I've got a skateboard and a back up deck in case the one I'm riding now breaks. I've got rain gear and cold weather gear. I've got my trusty Port-A-Brace full of tools and what what.

I've eaten a pastrami sandwich at Canter's, a pizza at Domianos, shrimp and crawfish etouffe at Harold and Belle's, a gigantor burrito at El Chabelita, chili and a lamb sandwich at Philipe's, and shrimp tacos at this little joint by my mechanic's. I've eaten like a champ all over LA and I'm now ready to go to Sweden for two months and eat... salmon. Lots of salmon.

The food will probably be mostly bad but at least I know what to expect this time around. I'm bringing my bow with me too. No sense in not practicing while out and about with the Vikings. Train and make a movie and eventually come back and go deer hunting, then get married, then go elk hunting in Arizona. This might end up being the perfect year.

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

will you blog here or resurrect the other blog? xoxo
yikes! vw: endri

captain chaos said...

I'm thinking I'll just blog here and the people who don't and won't know about this blog will just need to settle for Facebook updates. I like having a blog that the work guys don't know about.

savannah said...

way cool-email when you arive, ok? yeah, yeah, i know, you're a grownass man, dude, but i would like to know, ok? ok then, hye, i'll look for the email!