Wednesday, July 16, 2008

He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humour.

We wrapped Kevin Spacey today and I'm a little sad about that, he was cool. He's also one of my favorite actors. When they wrapped him today I told him it had been an honor and he smiled and gave me a hug and said thank you. Nice guy. A little bonkers but basically a nice guy. He will be missed.

Other than that I got run into a  couple pieces of furniture while running backwards on a hand held shot that should have been Steadicam and I got hit in the face with the camera. My whole body fucking hurts and I'd really love to have a couple of shots of Patron and call it a night but I have to be on Zuma at noon. Oh, it's 3am right now. Good times on Shrink. We decided the camera department shirt should simply say, "Off is better." As in "off this fucking job." Supposedly the last two days are going to be single camera and no one wants to do those days. We're trying to devise a fair method of deciding who gets to get totally fucked for two heavy days of shooting but I know it's going to be me. I'm the DP's guy so I guess I'm fucked. Par for the course and that's just how it goes.

Damn, my jaw hurts and the dog is whining so I'm going to bed.

Peace out, bitches.

1 comment:

savannah said...

almost done - at least you won't have a 6 hr layover in CDG! ;-)
(i know, whew, that was close!)