Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I got a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.

Working in the film business is a really weird thing. One minute you're up to your neck in the Suck, making  money and feeling like you're getting ahead. Next minute you're flat broke wondering just how often the automated debt collectors are going to call in one day. Right now I can't pay about seven different bills that need paying because I have no money. Last month I paid everything and had a few shekels left over and felt pretty good about life. Oh how one's fortunes can change over-night here in the happiest place on Earth. At least I got three days of work accomplished in two days. I just need to hustle up seven more days of work and I'll be back to breaking even. How lame is that? Bust your ass all month sweating out every bill and paycheck and for what? So you can have absolutely nothing to show for it except timely servicing of your debt? This American life indeed.
At least work is still mildly amusing, when I get work. We just did a video for a very nice young lady from Australia named Missy Higgins, or something like that. Classic: downtown LA, fake loft space, sensitive close ups, sunlight, and a slide projector. Dull but manageable and the DP and director are both really cool people. We used a ghetto-ass rig to relieve the DP of having to handhold the camera all day. It looks really silly doesn't it? It works, though, and I'm glad because otherwise I get stuck holding the camera in between takes and that ain't no fun no how.

How do you like my hair? The DP and I went surfing last week and he asked me to wear my hair out  on the next job. I got clowned a lot by the guys but hey, I'm one of the few guys in my age group who still have a full head of hair, nahmean?

Well, this has been dull but what can I say, I'm feeling unmotivated right now and I think a nice long surf is the answer.

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

surf, sure, but pick a date for the hunt and find a damn yurt!!!! he's killing me here talking about it!!! (by the by, your hair looks divine!)

captain chaos said...

Thanks, ma! Got so clowned but didn't care. It was sort of fun to finally wear it out.