Sunday, September 14, 2008

A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!

So I'm going to begin the sad process of scuttling the Pearl. For a bit. She'll be back up in a few months but for now, we've got to go ashore. All kidding aside, I'm about to go feral: I'm going to live in my friend's house while she has work done on it. I'll be in the main bedroom with a minimum of my stuff for around six months, rent and utility free! Hopefully, this will be manageable and I'll be able to get out of debt and Ghost and I will get to start over, in the financial sense. Sure, it'll be weird going from my current palatial state to one room but hell, there's a whole backyard for the mutt and the kitchen and whatnot all work so it shouldn't be too bad. Ah, debt amelioration and a nice house in the Los Feliz hills, ya can't say no!

And now for some football. Go Vikings!

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

damn, i went with the colts! ;) i really did want to move out there for the season!!!*sigh* anyway, i'm doing my own pool alone this year...

captain chaos said...

Yeah, me too. No one watches football anymore except us and a couple million kooks. Sigh.

Mr. Moose said...

Moving day is upon us! The lee side of the stoooooone!