Monday, September 28, 2009

A person doesn't change just because you find out more.

Lately I've noticed that while at work I have been avoiding making eye contact with people who are attempting to make small talk with me. I believe that if I make eye contact with them they might think I actually want to talk to them, which I don't. I usually just don't have time for it all. On occasion I'll talk to people for a bit, when we're not in the middle of the shit and I like them. I don't think it's a character defect on my part as I'm generally considered a friendly person by the people I work with. Of course I have my days or moments just like anyone else but lately... I just get tired of bullshitting with people I don't like or wide eyed PAs with too many questions. What's the point? Let's just all get to work, knock this motherfucker out and hey, I'll buy you a beer for not talking my damn ear off. Sound fair?

Perhaps I'm just getting too old and too bored to deal. Perhaps.

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

think back to when you were just starting and how you were treated and then how you felt. i understand the urge to dismiss small talk, but it can be the only way for some people to start a real conversation. there is also the idea of making a workplace comfortable or at least, have the veneer of civility and mutual respect. xox

supernana said...

nice answer mom.

Mr. Moose said...

Small talk at work never leads to a real conversation. Kill it before it grows.

supernana said...

not nice answer moose.

captain chaos said...

I think it's more that I'm focused on what I'm doing. When it gets shitty I just don't feel like dealing with anything other than the work. I keep it civil, I'm just not really there mentally when people are babbling. Yeah, there are guys I talk to but they're the same guys I've been working with for years.