Monday, May 18, 2009

You know you're not too funny today, fat man.

On Sunday I didn't quite get my wishes of surfing and sloth fulfilled. We didn't go to our party because our pal didn't take the Midget so instead the girls moped around the house and we had Thai food. Boring. Sunday rolled around and instead of going to the beach we waited for said pal to get the Midget and then Melah and I saw Star Trek. Now I'd already seen it with the bros but dammit if it wasn't just as exciting the second time around! We drank Icees and ate popcorn and then it was off to do the laundry. Oh yeah, full blown Danger Ranger shit for us on Sunday! The Midget had to go to the doctor for an earache so the next thing you know, Sunday is over and we still hadn't cleaned the kitchen out so the landlord could redo the floors. Nothing quite compares to dismantling a huge fridge at 9pm except dismantling a huge fridge at 9pm and having an earthquake hit. That's right, an earthquake. Turns out it was 5.whatever near Long Beach and only one person got hurt. Maybe this will drop housing prices some more or spark an exodus from SoCal. One can hope. C'mon Doc, where's the shrine to simultaneous disasters in LA?

Back at work. Probably going to get crushed tomorrow out in Venice with Mr. Broms and Mr. Akerlund, two wonderful Swedes from back in the day. At least I'm working.

Peace out, bitches!

1 comment:

savannah said...

we wondered how you guys fared with
the quake. supernana didn't even feel it...go figure. it was fun to see lucy jones at the seismic/geologic center talking about it being a "garden variety la quake."