Music videos are the stupidest things in the world and how they get funded in this day and age is beyond me. At least Mandy Moore was nice and easy to work with. She's actually attractive in real life and tall, both unusual for famous people. We shot in a dojo owned by the best martial arts goofball in the US of A. Nice guy but a little self-absorbed. Apparently he helped Robert Downey Jr. get out of the various bottles he was stuck in so there's that. Anywhat, the video was shot on a Phantom HD camera which is a digital camera designed to shoot at ridiculous speed. It's not too good when you're trying to shoot a bunch of shots at 24fps: the camera needs constant babying and heats up and doesn't have a lot of the features that a real camera needs. Overall the camera is cool but not for this application so the day was made longer than need be and we were underpaid and I was short a guy. Nice. The director was a bit of a spazz but too young to really be of any threat. He was shocked when I told him, roughly, how many videos I'd worked on. I love doing that to directors, making them realize that there are people out there who have a shitload more experience than them. Keeps them honest or at least out of my way.
In other news, my friend's father is dying soon. My friend left this morning for New Orleans to say goodbye. The fact of this makes all of my problems seem rather silly.
Peace out, bitches!
Death puts a lot of things in perspective. Mostly living.
P.S.- I was thinking about taking a free intro class at that dojo. Steve Oram, right?
i am so sorry to hear that! i'll keep good thoughts for peace, love and strength.
Thanks, bubs. Mr. Moose: no idea what that guys name was but he seemed intense and off-putting, at least to me.
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