Monday, March 9, 2009

How stupid do you want me to be?

I woke up at 3am and thought, "What the fuck am I doing with my life?" Yep, early call this morning for a project of eminent cultural import: the president of El Pollo Loco was available for a commercial! Hoorah! Up with America! Damn the recession? Yeah, this was one of those jobs where you show up and realize that you're a fucking mercenary and as long as the kroners/doubloons/pesos/francs/marks/dollars are flowing you will stay. You will stay and jump through flaming hoops, run through a mine field, or jump around like a monkey as the only 1st AC with four cameras. Thank me lucky charms, J-Boogie was there and made it all bearable. It wasn't the worst day but it certainly did blow having to get up before the sun so we could load in and get lit. I personally don't think we needed to be there that early but what the fuck do I know. We came, we saw, and we kicked out a commercial in just under ten hours and I bailed.

Sucks to be me: got home after picking up and dropping off various and sundry bits and pieces of gear and came back to my new home with girlfriend and promptly became depressed. The place is a mess and I have no idea where to start as my idea of firebombing the whole place and then moving my stuff in was met with resistance. I don't know what it is but Melah just didn't like my particular spin on integrating our design ideas. No matter. We sussed it out tonight while being seduced by Bourdain in Vietnam and I now have a nice little list of crap to move prior to going to work tomorrow afternoon. Yay! I have a mission! Like I said, sucks to be going out with me.

Peace out, bitches!

1 comment:

savannah said...

you have mail.

take some pictures, send us an address, etc. make it so, #1!