Thursday, March 26, 2009

The time has come to re-evaluate our relationship, Max.

I fucking hate AT&T and all things corporate related: dehumanized and dehumanizing, automated and ridiculous, unhelpful unless it comes to separating you from your money. In short: I closed my account with the assurance that my beloved email address (nah, it's just an address but still!) would remain unchanged. This was a boldfaced lie. I now have to change my email address and then let everyone I know that I've changed the address. This includes Blogger, Facebook, BofA, every magazine I deal with online, several vendors, all of my credit cards, blah, blah, blah. This is so time-consuming and annoying and petty. Had they just told me it would have been a lot easier, I could have said no, I'll keep things the same or at least I wouldn't have been expecting things to be easy. The other thing is, no one at AT&T "customer service" seemed to know why, exactly, I couldn't just keep the address the same. Whatever. Fuck AT&T and AIG and any other corporate entity with an A in their name. Especially those cunts over at BofA! Fuck those guys! And Citibank! Especially those cunts! I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore?

Peace out, bitches!


Mr. Moose said...

But the bonuses at AIG we contractual obligations! Those poor execs weren't the one involved in the bad debt problems! Come on, cut 'em some slack!

savannah said...

so, who are you going with for your internet? phone service? where's your moses now?

captain chaos said...

Still at AT&T as it's already up and running at the house. So annoying.