Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Working is increasingly a source of humor for me. After ten years (Ten?! God, I'm old.) I've seen the same personality types, if not the same people, make the same damn mistakes over and over again. It's funny now but it used to be frustrating, back when I gave a shit. I know I'm good, I care when I care, and if I don't care I still compete with myself enough to stay focused (Ha! 1st AC humor) but honestly, I can see it coming but because I'm "just" an AC I can't say anything. Oh sure, I can talk to some DPs and directors but most of the time you have to sit there and grin and bare it while watching the captain drive the boat into the iceberg. Today wasn't any different. We had the hot new digital camera d'jour and everyone in charge spent most of the day freaking out about the thing. So stupid. If you don't know how to use something don't start worrying about it if the guy you hired isn't worried. The problem with digital cameras is that every jack ass with a Mac or an iPhone thinks he/she knows something. You know, it's all digital so it all works the same, right? My answer is usually something along the lines of "Go. Fuck. Yourself." At least this one didn't go for a million hours, just an annoyingly complicated twelve. On a very small stage. Green screen and boring. Anyway, it's done and I'm home and Melah is watching "Gone With the Wind." Please God or Satan or whoever, strike my TV down now.

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

i KNOW you have more than 1 tv! ;)

anyway, how do you do it? i find myself becoming increasingly less tolerant about dealing with people who pretend to know more than they do and start buggin when all they need to do is shut the hell up...

captain chaos said...

I now have a hat that says "jihad" in the Miller beer font. I point at that while looking very serious. Seems to be working.