Monday, April 13, 2009

I said, do you think they give a damn about their bills in Russia!

Ha! I don't owe Uncle Sam a dime! Ha ha! Take that institution of marriage!

What else? Oh yeah, the Midget and Melah are back in school so the mutt and I have the run of the house. Yes! Punk rock and spicy cooking are back in effect. 

Doc and I went and shot clays yesterday and goddamn that kid can shoot! He hasn't fired a weapon in at least three years and he was knocking 'em down at a pretty good clip. We drove out into the Mojave near Palmtucky (aka Palmdale, CA) and were stunned at the amount of development in the area. So sad. Sprawl, environmental degradation, and tons of foreclosures. Good thinking, people. Build a bunch of shoddy houses out in an arid desert and then screw everyone out of their jobs and wonder why the area is wilting.

Off to work on another annoying Red camera job and then Swedish DP is back in town and we do a two day commercial. Yay! Hopefully this won't be as much of a ball buster week as last week was. Easy money is just so much more fun.

Ha! I'm going to clean my shotguns on the living room table right the fuck now! No one can stop me!

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

interesting how that works out, ain't? ;)

we talked to the doc on saturday and ya daddy told him to PLAN on hunting in october!

savannah said...

post a picture of GFK soon...please

savannah said...

ain't it *sigh* in my mind the it was written...

captain chaos said...

Ha! Nice going!