Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hello... Operator? Can you hear my voice? You can? Are you sure? Well, then I must be here.

I got an email the other day. I opened it and read it. It said they were suckers. What? Anywhen, it was from someone who had found this blog by looking for quotes from "Golden Child." He liked my blog, said he wanted to follow it, and generally made my day. What a nice guy. I accidentally deleted his email and so I say this on a Wednesday morn: to you, the guy what liked me blog, thanks. I'm glad I entertained you and I hope you make your way back here again some drunken, bored night.

So Operation Bowfinger gets underway in regards to deployment next week. Yep, I will be motoring up to the Los Padre National Forest near Santa Barbara on Monday morning after surfing with Bean. I plan on car-camping in a couple of different areas for the week as the Girl and the Midget will be away for the week. Girl is going to DC for a teacher conference and we're sending the Midget to a penal colony in the South Pacific. She has horrible table manners and we've simply grown tired of her. I'm off to pick up Thumper from the smithy and then I'm going to buy some broadheads and shoot them for the afternoon. Then I'm going to Vegas for a gig. Good times. It just occurred to me: some of you might not know what a broadhead is, or rather, what it is for. It's an arrow tip (you can swap 'em out) with several, usually three, sharp blades designed to murder whatever it's plunged in to. I love dangling participles. The blades are razor sharp, the wounds are ghastly, and the deer totally deserve what they get. Not really, but it sounds kind of funny to me. So, yes, I'm about to make several of my arrows deadly and I aim to put one of them through the lungs of a perfectly innocent yet delicious deer in the coastal mountains of Southern California. If all goes well this time next week I'll be butchering a deer in my backyard. Wish me luck! Or, alternately, curse my caveman ways. Stick and string, stick and string!

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

hold on! what happened to, "i'll overnight some flash frozen pete's hot sausage to ya, ma!" huh??? yanno?? what about me? :~D

supernana said...

speaking of pete. . .isn't the korean Bear in town next week?

savannah said...


Mr. Moose said...

"send some pete's hot sausage to the plantation"...somewhere our ancestors are weeping.

savannah said...

now mr. moose, i just had a friend from looisanna tell me jes how proud he was ah could say that!

*bless your heart*

captain chaos said...

Korean Bear in town soon and snausages will be sent if I make it out of Vegas. That is all.