I was in Las Vegas for three days and although I returned on Friday afternoon, I'm just now feeling back to normal. I fucking hate Vegas, I really do. It's not so much just the strip either. It's more that the entirety of the city is allowed to exist despite all natural evidence that no one and nothing should be able to exist in that particular bit of Nevada. Add to that the petty greed and corruption of the Strip and you have a perfect example of all that is wrong with American culture. Capitalism, greed, avarice, weakness, vice, and all things venal are piled up as high as can be and everyone jumps in expecting to win. Dumbasses. Might as well jump into your local sewer and give away all of your money as you do so. I sat outside of Vegas, literally on the edge of the city, and shot a time lapse shot of the sun going down and the lights of Vegas coming up. It was actually rather enjoyable as the sky lit up like a cauldron of fire and a swarm of bats came out of the hills and buzzed me. I was downwind of the hills and a pack of coyotes came within ten yards of me, spooked only by the snapping of the time lapse shutter. They had no idea I was there! A couple of pebbles tossed their way seemed to convince them that I was not worth their trouble. We also shot some time lapse from the tops of various casinos and the birds eye served to reinforce my conviction that Vegas is a monument to resource mismanagement and man's bizarre need to "conquer" nature. Watching the water show at The Bellagio is interesting from an artistic perspective and completely depressing from an environmental perspective. So it goes, so it goes. Business is apparently down by some ridiculous percentage but the town is still full of Teva wearing slobs wandering around with flagons of booze. There not spending money the locals tell me. I feel bad for the locals but they knew the risks.
Yesterday the Girl made us drive from Upland to Pasadena to home to Capistrano beach. We basically drove about 172 miles all over SoCal. Why? I'm not entirely sure the explanation will make any sense but here goes. Upland was so I could buy needed supplies at Bass Pro Shop. Good fun, and ate a nice pastrami and Swiss sandwich. Then we went to an Immaculate Heart High reunion in a park. Interesting? Then home to get beach stuff so we could drive almost all the way to San Diego for a beach party with the Girl's coworker. Nice people, no waves. Then we drove to Santa Monica for dinner with Super Nana and an Immaculate Heart alum. Good food, good times, please let me sleep.
Next up: work all week and then finally go deer hunting. Damn, what a week.
Peace out, bitches!
Peace out, bitches!
so not calling this morning was probably a good idea...i want a copy of that picture! (i should have made some copies before bean took the pics.)
Yeah, I'd love to give you a copy but it was taken on stupid iPhone. No biggification. Sorry. It exist only in the mind...
I will caper,cavort and cackle when the desert swallows Vegas whole.
De-lurking to say hello.
Now back to my regularly scheduled anti-social fugue.
I skulk in silence no more. You have unequivocally defined exactly what I think of Vegas. Well said Indi, I love you. That could sound awkward to people who don't get that...whatever...
Yours truly, Short Round
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