Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why, the cheap ball-pushing swine, he'll never get away with it I tell you, he'll never get away with it.

It's Wednesday and I did nothing. Truly, I did nothing except a little yoga, dish washing, and TV zombification. I went out last night for a birthday party at the Lodge (I know, right?!)(Oh yeah, that last parenthetical thing-a-majig should be read in a full Valley girl accent) and even though I had decided not to drink this month I did. I did do that thing with the beers and whatnot and so I'm a little bit more of a dullard today than I'd normally be after four days off. No work in sight but on the plus side I don't have Ebola or Swine Flu or Tourettes

So I was thinking about life, the universe and everything and I came up with this:

Peace out, bitches!


savannah said...

great song, but they coulda lost the wind machine, yanno?

supernana said...

so really you could have answered your phone the two times I called

Mr. Moose said...

Sometimes I hear this song and I feel sorry for poor Delia. Yes, she was devilish. And yes, she was low-down and somewhat trifling. But who among us does not live with ghosts and regrets? I know it is a cliche, but the best revenge is a life well lived. Short of that, inflict a long and slow torture rather than a quick and painless death. If you're going to make them suffer, do it right. I'm just sayin'...

captain chaos said...

Ma- Hey, it's still a classic.
Bean- I actually left my phone on vibrate all day and didn't realize it until quite late. Sorry.
Moose- I'm going with life well lived as I don't have time for the other.

savannah said...

lordy, but we are a strange bunch o'chicadees!